Pediatric Eye Exams in North Scottsdale

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Seeing Into the Future with Pediatric Eye Exams

We’re not able to look into a crystal ball to tell you if your child can see clearly and properly, but we can look into their eyes, which is fairly similar.

Just as a crystal ball can foretell what’s to come, a look into your child’s eyes can tell a lot about their visual future.

We offer eye exams for your little ones aged 2 and up. These exams go beyond vision checks,  helping us assess important developmental stages, identify any abnormal eye growth, and support your child’s overall eye health.

Children should come in to visit their pediatric optometrist regularly to ensure they can see their clearest and that their development is on track. We service Fountain Hills, North Scottsdale, North Phoenix, and surrounding areas.

The Importance of Children’s Exams

Children use their eyes to interact with the world around them every waking moment of their day.

But when your child can’t see something clearly, they may not be able to explain it to you. This is because they don’t have “normal” vision to compare their sight to. When you bring your child in for an eye exam, our friendly doctors know just how to make this comparison in a fun and noninvasive way.

There are many reasons why children need eye exams, including identifying conditions like eye turn (strabismus or crossed eyes). Eye turn, where one or both eyes point in different directions, can be a sign of underlying vision problems and should be assessed during an eye exam. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent vision loss and amblyopia (lazy eye).

The future looks bright, so we want to make sure your children can see it.

The Importance of Myopia Control

Did you know? Studies predict that over half of the world’s population will be nearsighted (myopic) by 2050! This rapid increase highlights the importance of regular eye exams, especially for those with a family history of myopia.

At Eye Lab, we provide comprehensive eye care to help you maintain healthy vision throughout your life.

Top Reasons for Eye Exams

At Eye Lab, we understand the countless reasons why children should have their eyes examined regularly. 

Your little ones require a set of visual skills to help them learn effectively. If your child is struggling with a learning-related vision problem, they may complain of:

  • Headaches
  • Eye fatigue
  • Eye strain

Here are our top reasons to bring your child in for an eye exam.

Making Sure They See Clearly

If your child is having trouble seeing, there could be an easy solution! The sooner we can check their visual acuity—how well they are seeing—the sooner we can find solutions or prescribe corrective lenses.

Once your child can see clearly, you may notice a change in how they interact with their world.

This one isn’t always obvious to parents if their child is running around, having fun, and learning. But, often, children begin to develop vision issues like myopia during their formative years. Also called nearsightedness, myopia affects your little one’s ability to see objects clearly in the distance (like the whiteboard or the goal net).

Thankfully, there are ways we can control myopia if it’s diagnosed at an early age.

We want to make sure your child can follow objects as they move and that they can also move their eyes along a page to read.

While your kiddo looks at these objects, we will also want to check to make sure their eyes work together correctly. Issues with eyes teaming can be signs of strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (lazy eye). Both of these conditions can be treated—but the earlier, the better.

As your child grows, they will first begin to grab objects and bring them to their face, and then they will learn to play with blocks and other objects. Eventually, they will start writing and performing more detail-oriented tasks.

Our team will make sure their hand-eye coordination is progressing as it should. If any signs or symptoms indicate they may be having difficulties, we can work with you to establish a plan.

We learn so much from what we see around us. Your child should develop comprehension skills that will help translate things they read into imaginary pictures in their minds. They do this by relating what they read to what they’ve learned visually in their lives. For instance, if a book describes a lush, green forest, your child will likely need proper color and distance vision to understand.

Family history plays a role in eye health. If you or your partner have myopia, your child has a higher risk of developing it. Regular exams can help monitor for early signs and manage progression. 

Myopia (nearsightedness) is more likely in children when their parents are also myopic. Here’s the breakdown of the increased risk:

  • If both parents are myopic, the risk jumps to 1 in 2 children developing myopia.
  • With one myopic parent, the risk is still elevated at 1 in 3 children.

When neither parent has myopia, the risk is lower, affecting 1 in 4 children.

Children’s Eye Exam Schedule

How often your little one’s eyes need examining all depends on their age and risk level. A child with a family history of eye problems may have a different eye exam schedule recommended by their optometrist.

The American Optometric Association recommends the following eye exam schedule for children.

0–2 Years Old

It’s recommended children have their first comprehensive eye exam between 6–12 months of age.

Children should have their eyes checked by an optometrist at least once between ages 3–5.

Children should have their eyes examined before they enter first grade and annually each year after.

Ready, Set, See

Our friendly team is excited to see your children for their regularly scheduled eye exams. Let’s get them started and ensure they have the visual tools they need to succeed. Book an appointment today!

Our Location

We’re conveniently located off East Raintree Drive and North Frank Lloyd Boulevard in Scottsdale Horizon Center. Find us on the right side of the Safeway plaza.

We have plenty of parking in the lot near our office.

We also perform eye exams in Chinese and Spanish. (我們也有說中文的服務)También tenemos a alguien que pueda traducir en español durante el examen.

Our Address

  • 14700 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd Suite 155
  • Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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Our Business Hours

  • Monday: CLOSED
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Sunday: CLOSED

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