Contact Lens Exams, Fitting, & Brands in North Scottsdale

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The Freedom of Contact Lenses

If you’re looking for an alternative way to see the world around you without relying on eyeglasses all the time, contact lenses could be your best option.

Advances in contact lens technology mean that many people can find a pair that fits comfortably and allow them to see clearly. Let our eye doctors help you find what works best for you. 

For a contact lens exam and fitting in North Scottsdale, Fountain Hills, North Phoenix, or surrounding areas, visit Eye Lab today and start exploring your options.

The Contact Lens Exam Difference

Our contact lens exams include all of the essentials of a comprehensive eye exam and more. Our highly qualified team will test your eyes to ensure it is safe to wear contact lenses and that they will be comfortable on your eyes.

Part of our contact lens exams include:

  • Measuring the thickness of your corneas—the outermost layer of your eye—to be sure that your eyes will support contact lenses
  • Asking a few lifestyle questions—do you want to wear contacts every day, or just some of the time?—to determine the type of contact lenses you should wear
  • If you’re already a contact lens wearer, we will make sure they are working for you
  • If you’re new to contact lenses, we will teach you how to insert and remove them properly and how to store them safely
  • Determining your prescription—your eyeglasses and contact lens prescription will be different!

New to Contact Lenses?

If you are new to contact lenses, don’t worry! We will answer any of your questions and make sure you are totally comfortable with inserting and removing the lenses from your eyes before you go home.

How It Works

Your optometrist will create a new prescription, specifically for contact lenses, to make sure you can see your best. Your contact lens prescription will be different from your glasses prescription because contact lenses sit directly on your eyes instead of in front of your eyes like glasses do.

If you have any issues with your first pair of contact lenses, that’s OK! We can adjust your prescription until we find what works best for you.

Multifocal Technology for Your Vision Needs

Our team is dedicated to providing you with advanced lens technology. Our multifocal lenses go beyond traditional bifocals, offering seamless vision correction for all distances—near, intermediate, and far.

These lenses come in various designs to suit your specific needs and lifestyle. During your appointment, we’ll discuss your vision requirements and recommend a multifocal lens that will work for you.

Don’t Let Dry Eye Slow You Down

Do dry eyes make wearing contact lenses uncomfortable? You’re not alone! Fortunately, advancements in lens technology offer solutions for dry eye sufferers, such as:

  • Bausch & Lomb Infuse lenses: These innovative lenses use a unique material infused with a moisture-rich lubricant to provide all-day comfort and minimize lens dryness.
  • Alcon Dailies Total One lenses: These daily disposable lenses boast a unique surface that traps moisture and keeps your eyes fresh and comfortable, even after hours of wear.

Our Extensive Brand Selection

At Eye Lab, we carry a wide range of contact lenses from leading manufacturers, including:

  • Alcon
  • CooperVision
  • Johnson & Johnson

We’ll work with you to find the perfect contact lens brand and technology to suit your needs.

Experience Contact Lenses

The comfort of your eyes and the clarity of your vision are our top priorities. You can find solace here knowing that we care about your eyes, and we will help you find contact lenses that work best for you.

Take the first step or continue your contact lens journey by booking your convenient contact lens eye examination.

Our Location

We’re conveniently located off East Raintree Drive and North Frank Lloyd Boulevard in Scottsdale Horizon Center. Find us on the right side of the Safeway plaza.

We have plenty of parking in the lot near our office.

We also perform eye exams in Chinese and Spanish. (我們也有說中文的服務)También tenemos a alguien que pueda traducir en español durante el examen.

Our Address

  • 14700 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd Suite 155
  • Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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Our Business Hours

  • Monday: CLOSED
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Sunday: CLOSED

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