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Top 9 Benefits of Dermaplaning

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A woman undergoing dermaplaning.

Dermaplaning is a popular and effective skincare treatment that uses a surgical blade to gently exfoliate the skin’s surface, removing dead skin cells, peach fuzz, and other impurities from the face. The result is smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

While this treatment may sound intimidating at first, it has numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile investment, including:

  1. Exfoliating the skin
  2. Removing peach fuzz
  3. Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles
  4. Reducing hyperpigmentation
  5. Improving product absorption
  6. Providing an instant glow
  7. Reducing acne scarring
  8. Working on all skin types
  9. Minimal downtime

Exfoliates the Skin

Dermaplaning scrapes away the top layer of dead skin cells, making it a highly effective method of manual exfoliation. Doing this reveals smoother and brighter skin underneath and a more youthful appearance.

Dermaplaning is a recommended treatment option for those who can’t tolerate chemical exfoliators, such as enzymes.

We recommend having dermaplaning done every 4–6 weeks for optimal exfoliation.

Removes Peach Fuzz

Peach fuzz, also known as vellus hair, is the fine hair covering most of the body, including the face. 

While not always noticeable, peach fuzz can make your foundation and other makeup products appear cakey and uneven. Dermaplaning removes this hair, creating a smoother canvas for makeup application.

Smooths Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Our skin naturally loses its elasticity as we age, and fine lines and wrinkles appear. 

Dermaplaning helps smooth these early signs of aging by removing the top layer of dead skin cells that contribute to their appearance and stimulating collagen production and cell turnover for healthier, younger-looking skin.

Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, or dark spots on the skin, can be caused by various factors, such as sun damage, acne scarring, and hormonal changes. 

Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation slowly over time by removing the top layer of skin where these dark spots sit. With regular treatments, you may notice a more even skin tone and reduced dark spots.

A woman applying facial creams on her face while sitting on her bed.

Allows for Better Product Absorption

Exfoliation is an important step in any skincare routine as it removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, allowing for better absorption of skincare products. 

Dermaplaning takes exfoliation to the next level by thoroughly removing peach fuzz (vellus hairs) and dead skin cells, creating a clear path for your favorite serums, moisturizers, and other products to penetrate deeper and work more effectively.

Dermaplaning allows for better absorption and penetration of skincare products because they can reach deeper into the skin. It makes your daily skincare routine more effective, and you’ll see better results from your products.

With regular dermaplaning sessions, you may notice improved texture, brightness, and overall appearance of your skin.

Creates an Instant Glow

One of the immediate benefits of dermaplaning is a brighter and more radiant complexion. Removing dead skin cells and vellus hair makes your skin look smoother and reflect light more, creating an instant, healthy glow. It can also help reduce dullness and improve overall skin tone.

Reduces the Appearance of Acne Scarring

For those struggling with acne scars, dermaplaning can be a game-changer. 

By removing the top layer of skin where these scars are, dermaplaning can help diminish their appearance and promote skin cell turnover for smoother skin over time. 

However, dermaplaning should not be done on active acne, as it can irritate the skin and spread bacteria. Ask your skincare professional what clinical treatment option is right for your skin.

Works Well for Most Skin Types

Dermaplaning is gentle, noninvasive, and safe for most skin types, including sensitive skin. 

Unlike chemical peels or microdermabrasion, dermaplaning does not use harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that can irritate the skin. 

It’s always best to consult a licensed aesthetician before undergoing dermaplaning to determine if this type of manual exfoliation would benefit you.

Minimal to No Downtime

Dermaplaning can be done in as little as 30 minutes. 

After cleansing your skin, the aesthetician will use a sterile surgical scalpel blade to gently scrape off dead skin cells and vellus hair from your face. Some people may experience slight redness or sensitivity afterward, but these effects typically subside within a few hours.

After your appointment, you can go right back to your day—no downtime is required. Unlike other procedures that may result in peeling or redness, dermaplaning leaves the skin looking fresh and smooth immediately after treatment, making it a popular choice for those with busy schedules.

Achieve a Smooth & Radiant Complexion with Eye Lab’s Spa Services

At Eye Lab, we offer professional dermaplaning services for a smooth and radiant complexion. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover the benefits of dermaplaning for yourself.

Eye doctor in Scottsdale, Serena Shao

Written by Dr. Serena Shao

Dr. Serena Shao was born and raised in southern California. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California San Diego in 2013. After completing her bachelor’s degree, Dr. Shao left sunny San Diego to pursue her dream in Chicago, where she obtained her Doctor of Optometry at Illinois College of Optometry in 2018.

Dr. Shao holds extensive clinical experience, including refractive and contact lens evaluation as well as the treatment of ocular pathology. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin Chinese.

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