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Myopia Control Contact Lenses: What to Know About MiSight

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A young child inserting MiSight contact lenses to help slow the progression of myopia.

According to the FDA, MiSight is the first contact lens indicated to slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. It is a single-use, disposable, soft contact lens that is worn daily and discarded at the end of each day. MiSight is specifically designed for myopia control and has been FDA-approved to be used in children between the ages of 8 and 12.

Thankfully, myopia control contact lenses offer a convenient solution that can slow down eye growth without sacrificing comfort or visual clarity. 

Today, we’ll take a closer look at MiSight—a product designed specifically for people who have myopia—to help you understand how this type of contact lens works and whether it might be right for your vision correction needs.

What Is MiSight & How Does It Work to Control Myopia Progression? 

Do you worry about your child’s or your own vision getting worse over time? MiSight may be the solution you’ve been searching for. 

MiSight is a contact lens designed specifically to slow down the progression of myopia. The lens utilizes both myopic defocus and vision correction zones to correct your child’s nearsightedness while simultaneously preventing the lengthening of the eye, which is the main cause of myopia. 

MiSight’s daily disposable design allows you to have fresh and hygienic lenses every day, making it an easy and convenient option for parents and children alike. By taking proactive measures to control myopia progression with MiSight, parents can rest assured that their child’s vision is being well taken care of.

Benefits of MiSight Contact Lenses for Vision Health

MiSight contact lenses offer a range of advantages for people looking to protect their vision health. 

  • Slow the progression of myopia and correct refractive errors in dual-focus technology
  • 1-day wear lenses means less chance of infections
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Don’t have the hassle of glasses
  • Avoid increasingly strong prescriptions
  • Potentially less vision problems later in life

How Wearing MiSight Lenses Can Help Your Child Focus Better in the Classroom

As a parent, you want your child to have every advantage possible in the classroom. One way to achieve this is by investing in MiSight lenses. These lenses have been found to help children focus better during class, leading to improved academic performance. 

With MiSight lenses, your child will be able to see the board and take notes more efficiently, ultimately leading to a more productive and successful school experience. 

Advice on Choosing the Right Type of Contact Lenses for Your Child

When it comes to choosing the right type of contact lenses, there are a few things to keep in mind. MiSight myopia control contacts are the standard of care for children with myopia. 

Younger children may need more time to be ready to handle the maintenance that comes with certain types of contacts, while older, more mature children may be better equipped to manage their own care. 

Also, daily disposable lenses are better for younger children because they reduce the risk for eye infections and complications.

You’ll also want to consider your child’s activities and lifestyle. Are they involved in sports or other physically demanding activities? Are they prone to allergies or eye irritation? These factors will help guide you in choosing Misight for your child’s needs.

An optometrist holding out a blister pack of MiSight 1-day contact lenses, a form of myopia control used to slow down the progression of nearsightedness.

Tips on Getting Your Child Used to Contacts

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and when it comes to eyewear, contacts may be the perfect solution. However, getting your child to wear contacts can be a challenge. It’s essential to approach it with patience and positivity. 

Start with a conversation about why your child wants to try contacts, and instead of focusing on the “getting used to” process, highlight the benefits, such as clearer vision without the hassle of glasses. Encourage your child to take it slow and practice inserting the contacts in a relaxed environment. 

The team of eye care professionals will provide a tutorial video, as well as a contact lens class to guide your child through the process.

Remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes and reassure them that with time and practice, they will become more comfortable wearing contacts. By fostering a supportive environment and focusing on the benefits, your child will be well on their way to becoming a confident contact lens wearer.

For Your Appointment

MiSight lenses offer a practical and convenient way to control myopia progression. Ultimately, choosing the right type of contact lens is essential for keeping eyes healthy. And though many myths about myopia control exist, MiSight lenses are designed with safety as a priority.

Investing in MiSight may help preserve your or your children’s vision for years to come. If you would like more information on MiSight lenses or how they can benefit your child, come visit the eye doctors at the Eye Lab in Scottsdale today!

Eye doctor in Scottsdale, Serena Shao

Written by Dr. Serena Shao

Dr. Serena Shao was born and raised in southern California. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California San Diego in 2013. After completing her bachelor’s degree, Dr. Shao left sunny San Diego to pursue her dream in Chicago, where she obtained her Doctor of Optometry at Illinois College of Optometry in 2018.

Dr. Shao holds extensive clinical experience, including refractive and contact lens evaluation as well as the treatment of ocular pathology. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin Chinese.

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