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What Are Asian Fit Glasses?

A male Asian teenager in a blue denim collared shirt is wearing black slim-frame eyeglasses with small red and orange spots.

Finding the right glasses can be a journey.  You’ve just seen your optometrist, and you have your updated eyeglass prescription. But now you’re wondering what frames best suit your style, personality, and face shape. Have you considered Asian-fit glasses?  These frames feature a special design customized for unique facial features to help you wear glasses […]

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What Is a Refraction Eye Exam?

A young woman patient looking through a phoropter while hands are seen adjusting the lenses.

An optometrist or ophthalmologist will perform a refraction test to determine if you have a refractive error in your vision that causes you to be nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatic. These refractive errors can cause blurry vision at various distances.

Refraction eye tests are performed by eye doctors to determine the strength of the prescription you need for glasses or contact lenses to address your specific refractive error and allow you to see clearly.

During the examination, your doctor evaluates how light enters your eyes and where it lands in relation to your retina. This can be accomplished by shining a light into your eyes or using a phoropter tool.

Light refracts in front of your retina in nearsighted eyes, resulting in blurry distance vision.

Light refracts behind the retina in farsighted eyes, resulting in blurry up-close vision.

Light is scattered in astigmatic eyes, resulting in overall blurry vision […]

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What Happens if You Don’t Treat Dry Eye?

A close-up of a dry, irritated eye gone untreated

Dry eye is a common eye condition many Americans have to manage every single day. It can be brought on for an array of reasons—like dry air, dust, wind, medications, or even hormonal changes—but the results are the same: irritated, uncomfortable eyes that can affect our sight and our quality of life. These symptoms can […]

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Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

A teenage boy struggling to see a Snellen eye chart off in the distance

Vision Changes with Age Change is a natural part of aging. Most changes associated with aging are positive. We learn how to set goals and maintain our health. Although many people set goals for their physical health, we sometimes forget to include our vision. Vision and eye health also change as we age. Some vision […]

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